
Do it yourself – tips on sound mixing

Once upon a time...you, as a company, would have a short film made once every couple of years. A corporate video you called it back then. Quite a bit of budget went towards each one, 20, 30k… easily. For the same money you’d now see a whole YouTube channe

How to choose a good video producer?

Time to put your company in the spotlight with a strong promo video, but who are you going to get to make it? How do you choose a good producer for your online video? We asked video producers themselves and came up with three top tips for choosing the pro

Top 8 tips for directing a voice over

Directing a voiceover or a voice-actor can be a breeze. That is, until the voice-artist in question performs something in a way you hadn’t imagined. In this blog a couple of handy hints to make a real party of any studio session or home studio listen-alon

11 handy tips for writing truly awesome video scripts

In recent years you will have noticed the number of promotional videos and explanimations out there has increased enormously. Often, this sort of script isn’t written by a copy-writer. Nothing wrong with that…as long as you keep a few basic rules in mind.